36 Bannick Court
Canning Vale WA, 6155

Reliable Protection Relay Testing Services 
Ensuring Fault-Free Power Distribution with Expert Protection Relay Testing

The stability of any power distribution system hinges on the seamless operation of its protection system, with protection relays at its core. Ensuring these relays are operating precisely according to their designed settings is crucial for detecting and clearing faults while minimising disturbances to the rest of the network.

At GTS, we specialise in protection relay testing to verify the performance, reliability, and accuracy of your system. Our expert technicians use advanced testing techniques to ensure your relays are fully optimised, safeguarding your network's stability and operational efficiency. Trust GTS for professional protection relay testing services that enhance fault-clearing efficiency and protect your power distribution system. Contact us today to learn how we can support your system's reliability.

Modern relays are, more often than not, micro-processor based with analogue signals mimicking primary values being converted into digital signals for processing. Hardwired and digital input signals are also processed to logically control the overall operation of the network.

IEC61850 is fast becoming the protocol in which data and messages are transmitted around the network to enable even closer and more logical discrimination times. These IED’s (Intelligent Electronic Device) are the 'smart' relays of today’s protection systems.

Communicating with these relays has become an important part of any commissioning and maintenance programs. Our technicians are constantly upgrading their software tools and being trained in the skills to diagnose issues within the systems.

Writing detailed Test Plans to simulate the different functions of the relays is now considered ‘the norm’ for both operation and repeatability for future testing of the same device.

Secondary Injection simulates conditions that require an action from the relay which could be a trip of the immediate Circuit Breaker or a logic output for further action somewhere else in the network. Accurate timing is essential for the correct operation and GTS uses the latest secondary injection equipment to accurately verify these times.

Test reports are filed in a logical structure to enable easy access for immediate or future comparisons to fit into any asset management tool.

Ask about our client portal which is currently being developed.

Accreditations & Policies


Global Testing Services

Our team members travel all over Australia and the world, going to countries such as Malaysia, India, Vietnam, Egypt and throughout the Asia Pacific.

We take great pleasure in ensuring our clients get the specialised service they have come to expect from Global Testing Services.


Head Office
36 Bannick Court Canning Vale
WA 6155
+61 (08) 9456 7700
After hours
+61 400 040 010
Transformer Branch
21 Gibbons Road Davenport 
WA 6230
+61 (08) 9725 4583
After hours
+61 428 648 848
Pilbara Branch
Equal Certification does not cover our Newman operation
1/85 Welsh Drive
WA 6753
+61 (08) 9175 0177
After hours
+61 447 189 995

Request a call back

If you’d like to find out more about our services, or how we can work with you, please fill in the Request a Call Back and one of our team will get back to you within 24 hours.

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